Compliance Procedure

1Complaints Procedure

We are committed to providing a high-quality legal service to all our clients. When something goes wrong, we need our clients to tell us about it as this will help improve our standards. Whenever possible, please raise any initial client care problems with the person acting for you so that they have the opportunity to resolve matters with you. Often, matters can be quickly resolved this way.

Complaints information

At Case Richardson Law, all clients will be given information about what to do if they have a problem with the service provided or any other aspects of the firm. This is also in keeping with Solicitor Regulation Authority rule 2, which was replaced on the 6th of October 2011 by the SRA Code of Conduct 2011, the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) Standards and Regulations replaced the SRA Handbook from 25th November 2019.

Complaints Procedure

 We define a complaint as any reasonable expression of client dissatisfaction or grievance.

Complaints will be identified by the member of staff who first comes in to contact with The complaint or expression of dissatisfaction or grievance however it is expressed. If it is in written form, this is likely to be the person who opens the post or reads the fax; if in electronic form, the person who opens the email and if verbal or via the telephone, the person to whom the client is speaking. The following applies to all complaints received by the organisation:


                 They will be recorded in a central file.

                 They will be acknowledged, and the client notified of when they will receive a substantive                       response which should be within two weeks of when the complaint was first received.

                 The complainant will be informed of the person to whom they should take matters if they                         remain dissatisfied at any stage.

                 Options for redress and for correcting any underlying problem or unsatisfactory procedures                     will be provided.

Wadzanai Richardson is the person with overall responsibility for complaints. As soon as a complaint is received, it is brought to the attention of Wadzanai Richardson who carries out the following steps:


               Identify the cause of the complaint and the reason for the grievance.

               Discuss the case and the complaint with the relevant caseworker.

               If not already in writing, try to obtain a detailed written version of the complaint from the                           complainant.

              Determine if the complaint has merit.

              Decide what action needs to be taken to prevent the complaint happening again.

              Decide what action needs to be taken to satisfy the complainant.

If the client is not satisfied with our handling of his / her complaint he or she should be directed to the Legal Ombudsman (LeO) at PO Box 6167, Slough SL1 0EH, Telephone: 0300 555 0333, to consider the complaint. You may obtain a copy of our organisation’s Complaints Procedure from our office. If the complaint is against the Complaints Handler, the Principal or member of staff of similar level in the organisation will handle the complaint. Sole practitioners have the Ombudsman as a failsafe and are expected to handle complaints fairly and professionally.